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2024 Reading Review Thumbnail

2024 Reading Review

Favorite books read in 2024: Supercommunicators, Atomic Habits, Take the Stairs, Verbal Judo, Dollars and Sense, Nudge: The Final Edition, Give and Take, Masters of the Air and more...

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Book Review: Misbehaving Thumbnail

Book Review: Misbehaving

This fun read was Richard Thaler’s account of his both his own journey and how behavioral economics started as a fringe movement and ended up being widely accepted as more explanatory of how decisions are made in the real world than classical economics.

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Book Review: The Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read by Dan Solin Thumbnail

Book Review: The Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read by Dan Solin

This book was a pretty easy read, though at times it felt like a rant and was redundant. On the positive side, he calls out that many investors are not being well served by their brokers or advisors. Many people, especially with very simple financial situations may be able to take care of their own investing needs. He rightly calls out so-called advisors who are actually sales people and who don’t work under the fiduciary standard, which requires working in their clients’ best interests. He sheds light on how hard it is to pick stocks or to time the market, and how much time and money is wasted in this endeavor.

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Book Review: 10x is Easier Than 2x Thumbnail

Book Review: 10x is Easier Than 2x

“If you’re serious about 10x, then freedom is the language and operating system that will get you there. Your own freedom as well as the freedom of everyone else who joins you on your 10x adventure.”

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Book Review: The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch Thumbnail

Book Review: The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch

There is way too much low value activity that takes away from high value activity, including thinking and learning. The better I can get at simplifying my workday and eliminating low value activities to focus on what really matters and do that extremely well, the more successful I will be, and I may even be able to spend less time working at it.

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