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Book Review: Reducing the Risk of Black Swans Thumbnail

Book Review: Reducing the Risk of Black Swans

Reducing The Risk of Black Swans looks at how to go beyond just a stock/bond portfolio to reduce risk of major loss by taking exposure to other, uncorrelated risks. Investors would do well to gain exposure to time-tested risk-factors that are relatively uncorrelated to stocks such as value, small companies and momentum.

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Congress Gifts Secure 2.0 Thumbnail

Congress Gifts Secure 2.0

This holiday season Congress has given us SECURE 2.0. With no time to spare to avoid a government shutdown, they passed the $1.7 trillion Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 and sent it off the President for signature. Tucked inside the more than 4000 pages of legislation, you can find SECURE 2.0. While this “Son of SECURE” is not exactly the game changer for IRAs that its “Dad” (the original SECURE Act) was, there are still many changes that will affect IRA owners and beneficiaries.

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